Bruce’s initial interest in environmentally friendly products stemmed from witnessing a fatal chemical accident while working with his father in the 1970s. They knew they could develop something better than the existing dangerous chemicals then being used. The result was Simple Green, biodegradable* cleaner that is safer for people, animals and the planet.
Simple Green was first used to remove tannic acid from coffee roasting machinery. It then extended to automotive and industrial customers who used it to remove grease and stains from equipment and flooring. In 1979, just as initial retail marketing efforts were beginning to pay off, Bruce’s father died. Bruce managed to keep the business alive and in 1981 renamed it Sunshine Makers, Inc. He introduced Simple Green into several new markets nationally including Hardware and Do It Yourself centers, Grocery and Drug stores, Club stores and GSA (government) classes of trade. Today, the family of products has expanded to encompass consumer, professional and industrial and institutional product lines, making Simple Green products a part of everyday life in millions of homes and commercial and industrial sites.